Melissa Holy in a red suit jacket and black turtle neck smiling with her hand rested under her chin and a direct sincere look.

It’s no secret that how you talk to yourself is the make-or-break factor in your health and happiness, work and achievements, and overall success in life. It’s time to turn your self-talk into your greatest asset and strongest ally!

When you take control of your thoughts, words, and voice, you can set yourself up to succeed, sharpen your self-awareness, and build self-confidence, motivation, income, good habits, and anything else you can imagine. 

God designed your voice to hold the ultimate influence over your life. Learn to harness and leverage that unique power, and step into your signature role to create and live your best life.

Black and gold logo with initials MH for Melissa Holy.

Your journey to next-level self-talk starts here!

Dream it

Speak it

believe it

achieve it

Dream it • Speak it • believe it • achieve it




  • Add an element of positivity and encouragement to your next event with a book signing engagement or meet and greet.

    Connect with the author and let her share her game-changing insight, experience, and expert tips.

    Melissa’s simple 4-Step DARE system is sure to offer valuable insights for personal and professional growth.

  • Introduce the game-changing power of next-level self-talk to your event or organization.

    Melissa Holy’s captivating keynote presentations will inspire and empower audiences .

    Designed to elevate self-influence, confidence, and self-mastery.

  • Equip yourself, group, business or organization with innovative tools to take self-leadership to the next level and soar with purpose, personally and professionally.

    Melissa Holy specializes in helping you build and master your own signature system for growth and success with personalized strategies to elevate every area of life.

Discover the power inside of you

Your voice holds the key to your ultimate INFLUENCE AND TRANSFORMATION